Nandi hills is situated 60 kms. from the Bangalore. Just after passing the jain temple at Devana halli on NH 7 to the left is a road leading to Nandi hills ~ 25 kms.

Nandidurga or the nandi hills derives its name from a sculpture of the bull(nandi) atop the hill in the temple. The drive is impressive, scenic and the road is excellent as you climb the 1450 m. above sea level hill.
Visitors normally prefer to visit the hills in summer due to some kind of malaria in the winter months.

The Govt of Karnataka through the Department of Horticulture in lal bagh gardens at Bangalore can be approached for a room booking. See the picture for rates and reservations. From enquiry we found that rooms are easily available during weekdays and are booked on weekends.

As you enter the fort atop the hill you can see the foundation stones near the gate. I am guessing it must have been a tremendous task of laying the road. A lot of pride is exhibited by way of the foundation stones signalling that the road had been surveyed and laid with great difficulty.
After you enter, buy your tickets. 2 wheelers are not permitted to enter for the last 2 kms. Plastic and Alcohol is not permitted. Flower pucking is not permitted. But in reality they seem to be just signboards.
The first place you can see is the Tipu Sultan's lodge. The lodge is a rectangular structure built in east - west orientation measuring 12 * 7 mts. and is situated within a fortified area on the summit of the hill. Constructed of brick, mortar and wood.

It has a series of compartments. Towards the eastern end there is a flight of steps leading to a verandah which in turn leads to the rooms built at north. The walls accomodate niches and originally appears to have been decorated with paintings. The verandah has pierced balustirades. Tipu Sultan is said to have stayed in this building whenever he visited the place during expedition/hunting.

Around the 45th hair pin bend you get to see the hill that is notoriously famous for the Tipu drop where Tipu Sultan punished prisoners by making them fall.

If you had a bad haircut or a stressful week in office, nandi is a quick getaway where you can rejuvenate your body and mind. An ancient temple housing the nandi atop the hill and Nehru Nilaya(Name derived because Jawaharlal Nehru visited this place) guest house can also been seen. There is a brahmashram (cool cave) where a sage used to meditate. Its an ideal place to spend the entire day ~ summer weekend getaway.

An abundance of these pink flower bulbs are found atop.

Close to it you can see the Arkavati river source which has dried up.
Also, the villagers have grape plantations and will gladly sell black grapes for Rs 40/kg. Couple of eateries atop the hill. Try booking a cottage. Check in and out are 12 noon. I will have to do that the next time.