There are 2 roads from bangalore to reach Maidenahalli in Madhugiri taluk. One is through NH 4 by way of "Dobbespete - >Tumkur -> Koratgere -> Madhugiri ->Maidenahalli", The other is through "Doddaballapur -> Gauribidanur - > Kodigehalli ->Maidenahalli. It is around 140Kms from bangalore.

No use repeating what is there in the place which is available here. Place is hot so make some arrangements (water/food/etc). Place is difficult to find but not impossible. Keep asking multiple people and cross verifying with others or use this map which this guy has put up.

The blackbuck are very sensitive and take care not to make too much noise or disturbance. I doubt the 400-600 count of the forest officials. I saw only 2 groups of a total of 20-30 odd deer. Maybe if you go towards the water hole you will see some large herds. If you have a nice binoculars - use it here instead of neighbourhood views.

Some useful links if you want to visit this place:
Photos of Blackbuck
Whom should I contact, if I need more information? I am guessing they might help. Your call !
TVN Murthy, Honorary Wildlife Warden, Tumkur District at tvnmurthy AT vsnl.comAmeen Ahmed tumkurameen At gmail.com

On our way to doddaballapur we came across an idli express where we had breakfast. They serve some amazing and piping hot idli's. Enjoy !
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